Author Bio

Valeria Bressan, born in São Paulo, Brazil, grew up exploring the music, arts, dance and literature. Her curiosity and passion for the outside world drove her to follow her dreams and aspirations, and in unexpected ways, guided her future.

With a background in business, Valeria wasn’t looking to change careers when she moved to the US. Her natural ability for creating beautiful things soon led her to study art, design and architecture. She never imagined she would become an interior designer, or find inspiration through her love of writing.

Under the Magical Sky is her first book. She never planned to be an author. “ It was a wonderful surprise,” she says.

Through the story of Ella and Leo, Valeria hopes to inspire everyone, but especially kids, to explore their creativity, dreams and talents, and to embrace their own journey in life.

  Conversation with Valeria

Artist Bio

Tauno Erik is a self-taught artist and photographer born in Kavastu, Estonia. Having grown up in southern Estonia, Tauno often reflects on memories from his childhood, including walks through the forest, his parents’ jobs on a nearby farm, and befriending stray cats in the village of Suurküla.

Tauno finds inspiration in the unexpected and uncommon beauty in the world — for example, the pattern of stones in a nearby meadow, or the juxtaposition of a bright, clear blue sky in a certain horror film he saw as a youth. In addition to his paintings and photography, Tauno dabbles in coding and most recently has been exploring electronics.

Self- describe as introverted, romantic, silent, creative, and intelligent, Tauno’s artistic process is an organic, introspective journey. He believes that art is a search, often without a planned image in mind, his drawings beginning in random scribbles and patterns. With or without an audience, he follows his inner voice to create something different from the everyday . . . something magical . . . something weird. For Tauno, art is a sort of therapy — to express one’s self, to experience the journey, to stop time and forget about the world.

  Conversation with Tauno